

RAD Room E+

It meets particularly the needs of developing countries and for small X-ray rooms.
This equipment allows a very simple radiographic procedure for conventional exposures techniques.

To get more information about that product, please contact us
The tube stand column slides on rails thanks to wheels that allow the longitudinal movement for adjustment of the focal distance with regard to the vertical Bucky.
All the movements are counterbalanced and one brake exists for the vertical movement and one for lateral movement.
The tube rotation has detents at 0°, +90° and –90°.
The TPF1S table with four-way floating tabletop is dedicated to the conventional radiography with a horizontal tabletop moving longitudinally and laterally, under which a Bucky can move longitudinally
The operator interrupts the photocell beam with his feet in order to release longitudinal and transverse brakes of tabletop and stop interrupting photocell beam to block motion. The operator uses a button to release the Bucky brake.
The wide movement of the Bucky with the column allows any kind of examination easily (for example knees in standing position).
RAD Generator
control desk
Touch screen generator
control desk


Rad Room E+

Basic Radiological System

Rad Room

Universal Radiographic System